First manufacturer of firefighting equipment in France, POK has shown a remarkable development. Created in 1976 by
Bruno Grandpierre, its current CEO, POK has currently an anual turnover of 15M including 50% of it from export in
more than 90 countries. POK is a family business where the motivations are passion and conquest of new markets. The
CEO bequeaths to his children a strong company recognized throughout the world, in an industry constantly evolving.
Fire trucks in France, international navies, airports and oil tankers are equipped with POK products, and they protect
themselves with nozzles and remote control monitors. The company’s engineering department designs two new
products each week while integrating new technologies to satisfy all customers. With its spectacular CNC machines
and its 7000m² assembly plants, POK can make on site every device it designs.
For more info visit
Product : - Fire fighting Nozzles, Monitors etc
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